Governance with a Purpose. Decisions with Vision.

For higher education,

and for us all

Governance with a Purpose. Decisions with Vision.

For higher education,

and for us all

The Center for Strategic and Inclusive Governance (CSIG) advances conversations that inspire mission-centric university governance, for us all.

We create content informed by both research and practice, curate usable resources, cultivate synergistic relationships, and encourage proactive conversations that nurture more intentionality in the boardrooms where pivotal decisions are made.

For the long-term benefit of higher education, we believe that developing timely, relevant, and innovative resources to inform governance is the way forward.

We’re here to open doors and advance the conversation…
for higher education, and for us all.

Our goal is to assist Boards with strategically keeping institutional missions at the center of university governance.

CSIG offers these resources to assist Boards:

Board Governance for Equitable Student Success Curriculum: informed by brainstorming sessions with trustees and senior leaders, this curriculum offers effective ways to navigate governance challenges and opportunities influenced by the changing political landscape

Strategic & Inclusive Governance Resource Hub: provides ideas and templates for model Board resolutions, meeting agendas, policies, trainings and high-impact decision-making practices

Rapid-Response Toolkit: designed to help guide Boards through contentious social and political moments in ways that safeguard student success and fulfill the mission

“Our higher education institutions are spaces where all should find a place to realize their potential.”